Financial Growth Tips: Your 2022 Guide to Memorial Lot Investment
Why look into memorial lot investment? You might have heard that real estate is one of the BEST investments ever–low risk, high rewards, and all. And you might have also contemplated about it and told yourself, “I’ll save up enough funds to buy a condo or a house and lot”. And maybe, thoughts like “this is too freaking expensive” and “I don’t think I can afford it EVER” also came into your mind.

Well, to start, you’re not alone.
Many of us share the same sentiments, and perhaps, felt the same sense of disappointment trying to set aside enough money to have the confidence to put one foot forward towards that dream investment goal, while living on a tight budget. Others, probably felt it wasn’t for them and along the way realized that they have other priorities, and real estate investment could wait for another time.
Yes, it’s true that house and lot and condo properties are quite expensive and are for investors with an already stable financial foothold. But, what you might not have realized is that there are OTHER real estate investment options that require far less capital and can still provide the same high investment return.
In this article, we’re talking about memorial lot investment and why it’s the BEST option for novice real estate investors.
Why Memorial Lot Investment is Perfect for Novice Investors
Contrary to what you might think, memorial lot investment isn’t new to the investment world. In fact, veterans of this type of investment option have been successfully buying and selling properties for decades! Earning a hefty income while helping their fellowmen along the way.
RELATED: Why Investing in Real Estate at a Young Age Makes Sense?

Now, let’s talk about the basics:
How You Can Earn Money Through Memorial Lots Investment
Earning money with memorial lots is easy. In fact, it’s probably one of the most straightforward real estate investments today. Here’s how you can do it.
Step 1: Buy a Memorial Lot Property
A lot easier than it sounds, really! If you have an extra Php 1,500 in a month or spare money to spend for about seven fancy cups of coffee or milk tea, then you’re all set. Depending on your preferred location, your 1,500 a month could already get you a good memorial lot in a high-end memorial park such as Golden Haven.
Once you’ve decided on a park, an inventory type, and a location, you only need to fill out the online reservation form, submit one valid ID with three specimen signatures, and pay the first downpayment or monthly amortization (depending on your preferred financing scheme). Congratulations! You’re a certified, real estate investor!
Step 2: Wait for Your Memorial Lot’s Value to Grow
And if you get a Golden Haven Memorial property, it wouldn’t take long!
Your property’s value will increase significantly in just a short span of time (at 30% value appreciation). Thus, you can resell it at a much higher price at any time.
For instance, if you buy a memorial lot priced at 90,000 today, your memorial lot investment’s value may increase to 434,413 in 6 years.
Purchase Value | 90,000 |
Estimated Value in 1 Year | 117,000 |
Estimated Value in 2 Years | 152,100 |
Estimated Value in 3 Years | 197,730 |
Estimated Value in 4 Years | 257,049 |
Estimated Value in 5 Years | 334,164 |
Estimated Value in 6 Years | 434,413 |
And the income you can generate doesn’t end there! The memorial park industry has two terms that any memorial lot investor should know: pre-need and at-need. And the reason why is because while they’re the same type of lot, they have a difference in price.
What are Pre-Need Lots?
Pre-need lots are memorial lots bought before the owner needs to use them. These are the lots purchased as an investment or in preparation for the inevitable.
What are At-Need Lots?
On the other hand, at need lots are memorial lots purchased for immediate use. Most likely, because someone they love passed away and they weren’t able to purchase a memorial lot before.
Industry standards add an additional 40% premium for these kind of lots. Moreover, you’ll have to pay the amount in full. It’s the same concept when buying a condo property. If you purchase a condo unit way before the building’s development, the cost is lower.
Many memorial lot investors include a portion of the at-need premium on their selling price, providing more income for them, and at the same time, helping their new buyer acquire a good memorial lot at a fraction of the cost of an at-need lot purchased directly from the developer.
Step 3: Resell Your Memorial Lot
A memorial lot is a necessity Thus, reselling them is easy. Furthermore, if you got your property from Golden Haven, the office can also help by referring clients looking for at-need lots to you.
Here’s how it goes:
Once you have a buyer for your property, all you need to do is to agree on the price. Thereafter, collect the payment from the client. You’ll proceed to process the transfer of ownership via email–to the office informing of the change of ownership. Then, there will be a transfer fee of about Php 1,000 to 5,000 depending on the park location to confirm the transfer of ownership. And that’s it!
Other Memorial Lot Investment Stuff You Need to Know
Now that we’ve tackled how you can earn money through memorial lot investment, let’s talk about the other important things you need to know.
What Things Do You Need to Prepare for Your First Memorial Lot Investment?
While house and lots and condos require a ton of requirements, your Golden Haven memorial lot investment only needs 3 things: one valid ID with 3 specimen signatures–which you can just take a picture of for online reservations; a filled-out reservation form (online forms are also available); and your first payment.
What Are the Best Low Budget Memorial Properties for Novice Real Estate Investors?
Here are a few options you might want to consider:
Lawn Lot
Lawn lots are the standard parcels of land. The size is industry standard and can cater two bodies. They are popular options for memorial lot investors since they’re affordable and they quickly sell out.

This is where we store urns that contain cremated remains. Most columbary (depending on the location) costs less than lawn lots, so if you’re looking for a memorial property that’s inexpensive, then this is a good choice for you.

If columbaries are for ashes, ossuaries are for bones. They’re also perfect for investors looking for lower-priced memorial properties.

Apartment Niche
An apartment niche is quite similar to a columbary and ossuary in terms of design. This is often available in areas with limited inventories. Also affordably priced, this type of property is light on the pocket and perfect for novice real estate investors.

Should I Get a Memorial Lot for Investment at the Area Where You’re Residing?
You can, of course, but it isn’t necessary especially if you’re buying a property for investment. For instance, Golden Haven has over 34 parks all around the Philippines. And if you live in an area where the lots are already sold out or are priced too high for your budget, you can opt for another area with lower, budget-friendly packages. Now, with social media, reaching out to your Golden Haven branch representative is so much easier, so all transactions can be done online and you’ll never miss out on updates.
What Documents Will You Receive From the Developer?
Once your payment is made and verified, you’ll receive a copy of your official receipt and purchase agreement. After you’ve fully paid your account, you’ll be issued a certificate of full payment and a certificate of ownership.
How Do You Transfer Your Property to the New Owner After Reselling?
If you’re ready to resell your property, all you need to do is send a confirmation letter (a scanned letter with your signature sent to the developer’s email is also okay) after you receive the new owner’s payment. Afterward, you only need to pay the transfer fee for the change of ownership, and that’s it. Easy, right?
Memorial lots are an excellent real estate investment option. They’re easy to acquire, affordable, in-demand–thus, easy to resell, and hassle-free to transfer. Do you have any questions about memorial lot investment? Comment it down below or send us a message today!
READ MORE: Golden Haven Memorial Park News and Update
About Golden Haven
Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary company of publicly listed Villar-owned Golden MV Holdings Inc. Currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country. Golden Haven offers premium death care services and prime memorial lots. It is dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.
Online Reservation
Golden Haven commits to the safety of both our clients and employees. We are now offering online services for our admin transactions. Choose from the services on our website through our online service page to schedule your appointments. You may also get in touch with us for any of your concerns.
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