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Understanding the Essence of Planning your Burial Ahead of Time

Posted by Golden Haven on August 27, 2021

Written by: Riz-Ann M. Rint, Golden MV, Intern

Many individuals choose not to hold a funeral when someone dies without giving particular instructions. Consider the importance of funerals in the grief process before making such a decision. In the end, it should be up to each individual to decide whether or not to hold a funeral. However, in rare circumstances, a person dies without leaving any instructions regarding his or her burial wishes. Consider what he or she would have wished in these instances. Obtain family agreement on the funeral arrangements that should be prepared.

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Funeral Services in Las Pinas

We need to say our goodbyes, grieve, be with people to offer and receive support, and we need to say some kind of goodbye, even if it’s only a basic one, to help us deal. We often overlook how important a funeral is to us. All societies have established rituals to honor their dead since the beginning of time because they recognized that we have a desire to commemorate what the person meant to us and to know that they have been respectfully laid to rest. When someone dies, the funeral isn’t for them; it’s for their family and friends. Everyone who knew loved, or was connected to that person is invited to the funeral. This is an unmistakable fact. A funeral is seen as the appropriate time and location for people to get together to converse, support one another, remember and tell stories, pay their respects, and let you know they care. This kind of support is especially important in the weeks and months following the funeral, when the reality of the loss begins to sink in and we must adjust to life without someone who meant a lot to us.

Without a doubt, one of the few things in life that is certain to happen is death. Even yet, you should prepare for it — if not for your own peace of mind, then for the sake of those you’ll leave behind.

Here’s what I believe everyone should know and do to prepare for their own death and memorial service. However, there’s a lot you can do right now to make life simpler for the people you care about.

1. Communicates your wishes

Understanding the Essence of Planning your Burial Ahead of Time

Most people nowadays prefer cremation to traditional burial because it saves money, as long as the funeral home does not try to sell you pricey add-ons.

Direct cremation is the least expensive option because it eliminates the expenditures of visitation and a funeral service. Furthermore, it is a popular choice in today’s world because it saves land area.

Many people have thoughts about how they would like their death to be handled. Whether you believe that a burial is necessary for religious reasons or that a colorful celebration of your life is preferable to a solemn ceremony, organizing your funeral ahead of time will assist in guarantee that the elements that are most important to you are included. It also allows you to add some of your personality to the event and consider how you want to be remembered. This might be very comforting in your dying days.

Nonetheless, it is a personal choice made by the person. Consider your deceased loved one’s wishes, feelings, and beliefs as well. Some people, for example, are afraid of decomposing or being buried alive. As a result, I recommend that you tell your loved ones what you like.

2. Releases your loved ones from financial obligations.

Releases your loved ones from financial obligations.

Leaving money in a savings account to pay for your burial may seem like a smart idea, but unless it’s a joint account, your relatives may not be able to access it for several weeks after your death.

You can, on the other hand, make a funeral plan. A funeral plan is a contract that guarantees that your funeral expenses be covered in whole and on time. If you have a funeral plan, the plan will cover the cost of your funeral and the cash will be sent straight to the funeral home. You pay a predetermined sum for a funeral plan, and when you die, the plan provider pays for your funeral directly. A funeral plan can be paid in full or in installments over a period of months or years. The fundamental advantage of a funeral plan is that it covers the expense of your funeral regardless of what happens with funeral prices between now and the time you die – even if it costs more than you paid into it.

Funeral expenditures, like most things, seem to climb year after year. That means a funeral today will most likely be less expensive than one three or four years from now. Your loved ones will save money if you pay for your funeral immediately.

3. Reduces stress for friends and family during a stressful moment

Reduces stress for friends and family during a stressful moment

If you die abruptly and leave no instructions for your funeral, your family will be left to imagine what you would have desired. When two family members disagree about anything, it can cause a lot of unnecessary stress during the funeral planning process.

Grief makes even the simplest activities difficult when someone close to us passes away. Because funerals are usually scheduled soon after a death, family members are often forced to jump right into preparing a major event and making significant financial decisions while dealing with overwhelming grief.

The more you plan ahead of time for your funeral, the easier it will be for your family to carry out your instructions and wishes. They’ll be able to devote their time to supporting one another rather than calling funeral businesses and comparing caskets.

4. It provides you with certainty and peace of mind

Outdoor Family enjoying picnic - golden haven memorial park

Many people can start or participate in the grieving process by attending a funeral. It’s intended to serve a variety of objectives, ranging from final farewells and long-overdue hellos from long-distance friends to a way to commemorate a magnificent life and all the departed has shared and meant to those there.

Is it Good to Pre-plan your Funeral?

Funeral planning, on the other hand, may often bring stress and anxiety to the families of people we’ve lost, resulting in conflicts, postponed sadness, and downright hard labor on the part of those who are grieving the most. This is why, if feasible, pre-planning the plans for days ahead is recommended if you expect them to appear in the future.

Funeral pre-planning also allows families to fully determine what their loved one would desire at their own service, often with that loved one participating in those plans, ensuring a day that accurately reflects the person’s life and wishes.

About Golden Haven

Golden Haven Memorial Park is a subsidiary company of publicly listed Villar-owned Golden MV Holdings Inc. Currently positioned as one of the largest real estate companies in the country. Golden Haven offers premium death care services and prime memorial lots. It is dubbed as the most lucrative real estate investment with an average of 20% annual value appreciation.

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  • Golden Haven is a member of the Villar Group of Companies and a subsidiary of Golden MV Holdings, Inc. The company continues to develop the most beautiful memorial parks in the country and is now the largest chain of memorial parks in the Philippines.

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