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Ways to Have Fun With Your Pets at Golden Haven Memorial Park

Posted by Golden Haven on August 18, 2022

They might be stubborn, messy, and destructive at times, but they’re undoubtedly one of the greatest sources of joy any person can have. Pets provide unconditional love and loyalty, and they are endless sources of happiness. This is why, as fur parents, we should give them all the love and care that they deserve. Good food, occasional treats, and spending quality time with them are a must. And we have great recommendations for the latter. Here are a few ways you can have fun with your pets at any Golden Haven Memorial Park.

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1. Jog with your fur baby around the area

Since sites like the Golden Haven Memorial Park offer wide open spaces, what better way to maximize it than taking a quick jog with your pet? A perfect part of your morning routine, this physical activity provides both pleasure and strength to you and your little pal. Making this a habit can elevate the connection that stands between the two of you,

Also, the health of your pets is a pivotal factor. Giving them healthy food isn’t enough to ensure good health. Helping them to stay physically active can aid in making your pup healthy and happy.

2. Arrange a fur-friendly picnic

Parks are great places for picnics! And they’re more fun if you include your pets in the picture. Take them to the open spaces of Golden Haven Memorial Park and bring food for the whole fam! A picnic blanket, some dog-friendly treats, a few human food for yourself as well, your pet’s favorite toy, and a nice scenery is all you need for a perfect fur-friendly picnic.

3. Make adorable artwork

While not all pets might appreciate art, many of them will be happy to spend time to do something creative with you. So, while you’re at it, grab some pet-safe paint, gently smother their paws and have them walk on or stamp a piece of cloth or paper with their little feet. Yes, it’ll be a mess, and you will need to wash them thoroughly after if you don’t want their paw prints everywhere in your house when you get home, but it’ll surely be worth it. After all, you get a special artwork made while you and your furry pal is having fun.

4. Take plenty of pictures

Taking pictures and videos are the best way to preserve a moment. So, take as many as you can and store them on your drive, post them on social media, or print them out to display.

5. Entertain your pets with toys

It’s no question that furry babies love to play, especially with their favorite human, a.k.a. you. Hence, if you’re out with them to have fun at Golden Haven memorial parks, don’t forget to pack their favorite toy. The park has wide open spaces where you and your buddy can play fetch, catch, or their other favorite game.

Indeed, life with pets is much more vibrant and enjoyable. So if you have the chance, make an effort to keep the flame of love burning between you and your adorable companion.

READ MORE: Golden Haven Memorial Parks News and Update


  • Golden Haven is a member of the Villar Group of Companies and a subsidiary of Golden MV Holdings, Inc. The company continues to develop the most beautiful memorial parks in the country and is now the largest chain of memorial parks in the Philippines.

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